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Kids burning a dog while it was alive !? - Printable Version

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Kids burning a dog while it was alive !? - Nicholas - 12-10-2012 09:10 AM

Ok , i'm really angry at the video that I just watched . It's about some kids killing , abusing and burning a dog . I saw this video on facebook that somebody shared it and I watched it because I din't know they were doing it I was really angry and the video explains about these kids pouring oil on a puppy which could not bark yet they were malay people that is from Malaysia .

Second they beat the dog with a stick and while beating it they poured oil into the dog's body and after that they used a lighter and throw it to the dog and 2 minutes later the dog was completely suffering from the fire and pain and the fire was off , but after that they wanted to burn it again and they throw a match into it and the dog eventually died .

I could not believe in this video I mean I would never beat or abuse my dog like that what if it's somebody's dog because malay people cannot touch dog actually and I mean why would they do something like that ?! The worst thing is they posted it on Youtube / Facebook they kids needs to be punish and send to hell or perm jail and they don't deserved to live !! Why would people do such things to a living creature ...

- john - 12-10-2012 09:18 AM

Because sadly, people are scum.

- colossalborder649 - 12-10-2012 09:18 AM

Its been on here so many times ,yes its sad.but what is,even sadder is those people will probably go on to abuse children and adults if there not already doing so .

- Josie - 12-10-2012 09:18 AM

Because they have been brought up with no morals and have probably been abused themselves and will go onto abuse their own children, which is how it becomes a vicious circle. All of them want hung drawn and quartered.

Most country's like this only view animals as something they can get something out of, food, clothing, etc....not as a living animal. The don't have empathy and are sick minded people who are about 200 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to animal rights and many other things.

Sadly there is nothing anyone can do until these places come to their senses and realise this is not how a civilised society treats living things. Even country's like china which is the at the top of technology and has great, modern cities still has no laws against animals cruelty.

People like this who do such sick things should be hung on the spot-it's only a matter of time before they torture and murder a child, its in their nature and nothing can be done to change this.

I'm not generalising all Asian people, I'm just saying that a lot of these people, who are most often living in horrible poverty and have grown up with no love or care in their lives are obviously going to treat other things with no care and its only a matter of time before they comment acts of disgusting cruelty like's a cruel world.

- Jean - 12-10-2012 09:18 AM

There are a lot of people in the world that have no respect for animals and think they have no
feelings and it makes no sense to most people how anyone could torture any living thing. I too wish
we could find and punish all of them. Some children are never taught to be kind and gentle with
animals and it does make you sick to think of the pain and fear that these poor helpless creatures
that look to humans for the love and trust that they deserve are treated so badly. The rescue groups
are doing a wonderful job and they can tell you horror stories about what some of their rescue
animals have gone through and still love and trust humans. In a perfect world we could save them
all and these horrors would never happen to any living being but there is really no answer to your