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Is Rave! Really gone? :(? - Printable Version

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Is Rave! Really gone? :(? - Cj ϯħe Vampıre - 12-10-2012 11:02 AM

I would like to start by saying some bitch who cares nothing about human life reported this last time I asked before I saw any answers.

Rave! Was a user on here who was a TC in this section. He was suspended and created another account. He said he planned on killing himself the day after Thanksgiving. I a concerned he really did it, because I haven't seen him.
He has threatened in the past but has always returned.

I am concerned because suicide is a serious matter.
If you have seen him tell me please.

If you are the little bitch who reported this before, go away. I have no other way of finding out if this person has passed or not. So please have some decency and move along if you don't like that I asked this.

- Purple Haze - 12-10-2012 11:10 AM

He was probably just joking,most people that say there gonna commit suicide never do it.

Edit:How would you even expect us to know if Rave! is gone or not.

- Pytr Pytr - 12-10-2012 11:10 AM

1. don't know, haven't seen that screen name in a while. Try emailing him
2. this question is considered improper since it's chat; if someone reports it, it will be deleted. As much as you might wish that this was facebook, it's not.
3. suicide is a serious matter, yes. However, more likely is that they moved on to another chat/other websites for fish questions. .
4. sorry, but if you're looking for "decency" on the internet, you might be looking a very long time..

note: i've looked for his email and haven't found it yet, if I do, I'll email him and see if I get a response.
yea, the account is suspended, probably for all the chat because he got involved with some stalker or something. Not really possible to track down unless I find the other email I had from him...

note, again: sent email to newer account for rave, gave him link to this question, if it's not deleted later maybe he'll respond to you...

- Excessivearm483 - 12-10-2012 11:10 AM

If you suspect he committed suicide you should be talking to the police, not people on Yahoo answers.

No i have not seen him on yahoo answers lately, but then again, i'm not on the computer 24\7.

- noselessman - 12-10-2012 11:10 AM

No I havnt heard from him, I said before that he probobly got his account cancelled again for all the chatting and cursing, and I hope he is ok, please let me know if you here from him and I will do the same.

- BarfingWhale - 12-10-2012 11:10 AM

go check Polls and Survey section i used to see him on their with his "rave" username. no idea what happened to him though haven't really been on this section or Y!A for a while anyways been really busy with school.

but eh people are sometimes stupid no matter what after all this is Y!A and the internet.