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Should i take him back? - Printable Version

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Should i take him back? - Victoria - 12-10-2012 02:14 PM

okay i knew this boy since 6th grade, and i could tell we had a thing for eachother. so around 7th grade is when things started going down hill we got into fights, cursed at eachother, so i stop seeing him. at the end of 8th grade. so wonce i stopped seeing him he started messaging me on facebook saying he "missed me" and "he never got to see me anymore" i made it clear to him that im not a pushover anymore, im in highschool and ive grown up, thing is i dont know if i can trust him enough to be in my life again? but somehow i love him, and he once told me he loved me. he's a pieces and im a scorpio and i think were made for eachother. but i dont know because hes done some fucked up stuff to me, i havent seen him since 8th grade, now im in 10th.

- J3llyB33n - 12-10-2012 02:22 PM

Wow if you love him then take him back. But don't let him push you around. If time he cuts up. Tell it straight. Let him know his place. But if your afraid of getting your heart broken then ; then don't mess around with him anymore.
Give it about another day or so, and if he still wants to be your boy, and you have much feelings.. Go for it.

- Ok... - 12-10-2012 02:22 PM

These are your own words: "hes done some ****** up stuff to me".

I would NEVER go back out with a guy if he "done some ****** up stuff to me".


There are BILLIONS of guys on this planet waiting to meet me....I'd give THEM the chance at me, not some loser who did "some ****** up stuff to me".

- LOL - 12-10-2012 02:22 PM

dont take him back just be friends.

- pistachio - 12-10-2012 02:22 PM

no! it's sweet to think that you'll be with your first love but not always practical/a good idea! i recently got back together with my first love from high school (we're 24) but he never did anything bad to me even when w were apart. he was always the perfect gentleman. you should wait for someone like that!

- MontyPython - 12-10-2012 02:22 PM

Your in grade ten who cares. its not like the earth is going to explode if your don't get back together with him or you do. what are 14-15 just leave it alone for a while with your pathetic my life is hard because im 15. and my boy friend did some weird stuff to me.