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How to keep a conversation going with a girl I like on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to keep a conversation going with a girl I like on Facebook? - Dave - 12-10-2012 02:57 PM

There's this girl I like and today she started talking to me on Facebook. I didn't really know what to say and the conversation started to die, so I said I had to go. To avoid this happening again, what should I say next time? We're both 13, I don't really know here that well, but we are friends and keep in mind, I'm a shy guy.

- Flower Child - 12-10-2012 03:05 PM

Same way you keep it going with a guy.

- Mmaddee. B - 12-10-2012 03:05 PM

ask her questions. like what she likes to do what kind of person she considers her self to be . stuff like that. tell her about your day ask her about her day. these are some tips
start off with
heeey u
what you up to?
how was your day .. she prob answer good or tell you about it.
what are you doing later on....
ask her for advice on what you should wear ,do or react to something for example if your mom is annoying you tell her about it and go into details GIRLS LOVE DETAILS.
I love it when guys actually care about what i have to say . ask her about her relationship with her parents and the kind of music she likes, go with the flow. dontmake it an interview. when the conversation gets a little boring feel free to write YAwN LOL.. this will kind of ease the tention. make sure you say things to promote her beauty for example . hello beautiful. or you look nice in this pic its my favorite. compliment her a little . that always helps. Good Luck