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Bestfriends Brother.? - Printable Version

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Bestfriends Brother.? - Amelia - 12-10-2012 03:30 PM

So, this is my second time liking this guy. Me&Him had a thing in May but it didnt get to far since i got a boyfriend. Now, i saw him again. I almost died. I love him.. again. One problem this time... he has a girlfriend.. and is not interested in me. he won't even respond to my texts. everyone says i am better than that, i deserve better they all say. i love him though.. no matter what they say. everytime i just hear his name i fall in love all over again. Today was the day i decided to creep her on facebook... she is so much prettier than me... she is the same age as him (which is a year younger than me) and just all around perfect. everyone says i am prettier but i dont believe it. i finally understand why he doesnt like me.. what do i do? i need serious help. i think i actually really love him.. but idk maybe that funny feeling in my tummy when i saw him was just a tummy ache. maybe my heart didn't skip a beat. maybe that twinkle in his eye was from the sun reflecting weird... but i really think i love him.. any advice?Sad

- Alaina - 12-10-2012 03:38 PM

Well, seems like your timing is off. Right now you’re feeling what he probably felt when you had another boyfriend in May.

If it really is LOVE, then it will all work out when the timing is right for BOTH of you. Put your feelings back on the shelf a little longer, because maybe the 3rd time will be the charm.

Until then, stop tormenting yourself by comparing yourself to his girlfriend. We all have different things going for us, and there is ALWAYS going to be someone prettier, smarter, or funnier, so there is NO POINT in trying to compete. I’m SURE that you have nothing to worry about anyway.

If it’s meant to be, it will be… but not until it’s SUPPOSED to be. He’s your Best Friends Brother, so you’ll be able to swoop right back in, if you want to, if it doesn’t work out with his current girlfriend and you happen to be single.

Best of Luck!