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what does he want? does he seem interested? should i text hiM? - Printable Version

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what does he want? does he seem interested? should i text hiM? - Anonymousperson - 12-10-2012 04:09 PM

Im a freshman in college. I met this guy at a party on Thursday night we exchanged numbers and have hung out/ hooked up a couple times since then. (by hook up i dont mean sex). We both fell asleep in his bed cuddling last night and his roommates tooka picture of us and posted it on twitter with a really stupid/mean caption because they dont like him. So this morning i texted him and told him that it was up there and asked him to tell them to takeit down. He said hewould take care of it. I asked him if he and i were still good and then he responded a couple hours later saying he was at work. So i told him to text me after work and he said ok. He still hasn't texted me and his shift ended like three hours ago. I know that sounds really clingy but its just he knew i was upset about it. It is possible that he was tired cause he hasn't slept properly since like wednesday night but idkk.
And even though im okay with just hooking up nsa, hes been kind of leading me on to think that he wants more than that. He keeps saying he wants to be cuddle buddies and friends and wants to get to know me. And he told me he thinks im beautiful, before and after the hooking up.
So my question is
Should I wait for him to text me, or can i give him a couple more hours and casually text him asking if he wants to be cuddle buddies tonight? that way even if he's not interested in anything more, i can find out. and i still get to hook up with him nsa lol. or should i just wait till tmrw and then casually text him saying hey and see what happens?
what does he seem interested in? hooking up nsa, or more than that, or is he just waiting to see what happens?
am i being paranoid by thinking that he doesn't want to hook up anymore because he didn't text me?
the caption said this is my weird roommate with an ugly chick.
i'm also not sure if he was aware that his roommates didn't like him.
so then can i ask him to hook up tonight or is that too much?
ive hooked up with quite a few guys since ive been here and he's been nicer than all of them so thats why im not sure if its fake to get me to sleep with him or genuine
sorry it was so long
thanks everyone!

- LoveCats - 12-10-2012 04:17 PM

You don't know what's going on with his roommates, you've already texted him, now leave it alone. He hasn;t forgotten you, he will contact you when he is ready. Any further texting may just annoy him. You should just be patient and get on with whatever you would normally do in your life. Don't have any expectations and don't wait around. Live your life whether you hear from him or not.