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Do you think that sites like facebook are making people anti sociable in real life? - Printable Version

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Do you think that sites like facebook are making people anti sociable in real life? - Beau Maker - 12-10-2012 04:19 PM

They were debating this on the morning news show. They say that sites like facebook myspace are making young people anti sociable to meeting people in real life. Because they can make new friends on the internet so easily it's making them not want to meet new people in real life so much.

- Frank N. Stein - 12-10-2012 04:27 PM

Of course they are, kids are even killing themselves over them. It's ridiculous. And this "I have more friends than you" garbage is really making these kids crazy. It's not that some of them can't make friends in real life, they are just stuck behind a computer all day and forget how to speak. Texting, social-networking, all of that, turning kids into anti-social zombies.
Another thing I would like to add, have you ever been on here during the day when school is in session? You wouldn't believe the questions about proxies to avoid the school's security defenses so they can get on MySpace/Facebook. It's almost every other question in the morning, and even the night before. Can't even wait until they get home. Then if you look in the Homework Help section on here, you will see kids that have a huge project due the next day, and they haven't even started on it.

- Cs2twilight - 12-10-2012 04:27 PM

No. Most people only add people they know in real life. I have more friends on FB/MS than I do in real life, even though most are people I know in real life. They're not really my friends and I make an effort to make friends in real life. If anything, it encourages more sociability.

- Gyfis - 12-10-2012 04:27 PM

Yes, I think that is caused we feel more free on net, cause nobody can see you, you can be anonymous. For example, we are getting more vulgar on net. It is really easier to get to know somebody on net, then in real life. And also arguing and so is easier.

- voicelesssea999 - 12-10-2012 04:27 PM

Kids are killing themselves over them.
They message their parents/siblings/friends over them even if they're in the next room.
I think so.

- h4cked!1 - 12-10-2012 04:27 PM

yeah lol, ive been on the internet since i was 5 (remember dial up?) and socializing since i was 1, but i have no need for these social networking sites, i see them as just another website, i remember these old blogging sites were popular then myspace was huge and now facebook is taking over, soon its gona be twitter...then something else, its just not gona stay the same so why invest in a million friends and pictures to goto another site in a year or two

the only reason i have one is so people can contact me if they dont have my cell, other than that i dont go around messageing anyone