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Am i setting myself up for disappointment? - Printable Version

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Am i setting myself up for disappointment? - Jello - 12-10-2012 05:23 PM

So recently i met this boy on facebook. I had accidentally added him and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I'm gay and he's bisexual, so we kind of have "guys" in common hah, we chatted on fb for like 4 hours one day and then exchanged phone numbers, then we started skyping and now we're pretty close to each other. The only thing is, I live in New York and he lives in California -_-
(we're both 17 btw) He's totally different then all the other guys i've ever met. The thing is he's going through an awful break up with his ex..and i'm not sure if he's still wanting his ex boyfriend back. He's definitely sending me mixed signals, or i'm just reading them wrong...
Like out of nowhere one night he texted me and said "can i call you? I'm really bored" like out of all the people he has in his life, he chose to call me? Some random person he met on fb?
Also we skyped one night and he started taking some shots...and next thing i knew he was sending me pictures of guys having sex and saying "this is what i want to do to you right now" did he say that, just because he was drunk?
Also today he invited me to come visit him in Los Angeles over spring break because he's going to be in some film festival and it's a 3 day convention. He told me we'd be staying in the same hotel room and BUT THEN like 2 hours later, he'll call me and start crying about his ex! And call me "a good friend!" .... it's like! WTF? i'm confused. What's going on here?

Am i just over thinking? Should i just wait this out?Or am i setting myself up for disappointment?
My biggest fear is falling for this guy, and then one day out of the blue he just stops talking to me cold turkey...Or he even worse he may find another guy who actually lives in the same state as him -_- i just dont want to loose him, he's really sweet, genuine, and not to mention extremely attractive.
Do you have any advice? or? just HELP

- Nebulous - 12-10-2012 05:31 PM

I think you should just stay friends because a long distance relationship almost never works sorry to say...
However, if you feel like u truly love this guy no matter what, then u could go for it... But brace yourself for an almost inevitable fate

- Aoh Oah - 12-10-2012 05:31 PM

honestly... ur relationship wouldn't work out ...
1) he likes u...he's attracted u, he has a good time talking to u ... that i don't doubt... far as relationships go... u would be a rebound... chances are he could get over his ex... but honestly... rebounds just don't usually work out well

2) you live in different states... long distance relationships HARDLY EVER work... and when they do... normally is cuz it's a couple who have been together for years, and for whatever reason, they have to be apart for x amount of time -for instance some1 that enters the military, or some1 that gets a job overseas for a year or 2

3) you guys are both kids... u probably don't even work.. it's very unrealistic that u guys could move together ... either u move to cali or he moves to ny... but not only that, u would need a place -chances are u wouldn't be living with ur parents... for that u need money... and honestly... u guys might not be able to get settled for a few years

4) you guys don't really know each other... internet... is not the same as reality...honestly u guys could not be at all compatible... what if either of u has bad odor or bad breath, would be a turn off for the other... or say either of u has bad table manners, either of u eats like a pig, and it would just gross u (or him) out...what if u guys don't really have anything in common? like different music, movies, sports, etc... honestly most of this stuff i'm saying are just over the top and the movies and music can be dealt with... but the truth is ... most couples have things that they can't stand of their partner....but they learn to deal with those things... u guys don't even know the things that u both do that would drive each other nuts... so it's like u'd be meeting a completely new person if u meet him in person versus online

my best advise to u... just be friends, keep talking, stay in touch... u guys have a good thing... but don't let that get to ur head... it is highly unlikely that it would work out...but regardless...just stay chat buddies... if u guys are able to meet, then go ahead... meet up... and whatever happens happens... but like... don't put ur life on hold for him... like if u meet some cute guy near u, go ahead, have sex with them, enjoy them, maybe if u really click, try a relatoinship....but keep moving forward...

i'm not saying it's impossible that u guys won't even meet...but it's just difficult for ur relationship to work with this chat bud of if u are able to go to cali meet up with him, u guys have sex, and everything is fine... then go ahead... enjoy it... but even then, unless u guys make it a reality that either of u can move to be with the other ... seriously... keep living ur life... keep him ur friend, ur chat bud, if u meet ur f-ck bud.. but unless it's a reality... don't live a dream... u will wake up from it and miss out on a lot of things that u coulda enjoyed

sorry if i'm harsh... i wish u luck