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Why am I still so depressed about being homosexual, and why can't I feel happy? Will it ever get better? - Printable Version

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Why am I still so depressed about being homosexual, and why can't I feel happy? Will it ever get better? - Bruno - 12-10-2012 05:42 PM

I am turning 20 in January and accepted myself as homosexual after so much struggle over the summer. My mom said she doesnt support it and never will even though she knew from my diary years back. My dad is havign trouble too, and they both prevented me from standing up for gay rights on facebook, or telling anyone. I love them and they love me. I commute from home to college so I live on dorm. Heck, I might be kicked out of college soon since my GPa is a 2.7 and im failing teo classes this semester. I feel so sad right now.

I am a smart kid but I am so depressed and sometime sI pull myself together but other times I just can't handle like seeing all my friends date heterosexuals, and me, I am doomed to be lonely. I am still heartbroken over this guy from high school i dont obseess with him but life seems so fragile.

the world is going to have a nuclear world soon and collapse economially and my cousin passed, away at 23, lfie only seems to end short and be miserable and I can't handle it what can I do? I can't afford cousneling

- Arrogantgirl868 - 12-10-2012 05:50 PM

Hold on! You're looking at this all wrong. Being gay is not something to be ashamed of. At least you know who you are, some people struggle with it for years! As for your parents, they'll come around eventually. It's none of their business what you support through Facebook - it's your page, you're 20, and you can post what you like. You may as well be proud - don't supress yourself for their sake.

What you need is like minded friends. Ring the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard. They'll give you advice, and tell you about help for young gay people in your area.

All is not lost just be cause you're gay. Hold your head high - get back to your school work, find some gay buddies, let your parents get used to having a gay son - and they WILL get used to it - and everything will be OK in the end.

- Adam - 12-10-2012 05:50 PM


- Michael - 12-10-2012 05:50 PM

My brother Bruno you're depressed because you're not gay and deep down in your heart you know it.

A person is neither born gay nor straight. A person is simply born, God's creation.

To be honest we all can be attracted to both sexes. No matter how straight a Guy or a girl is they can be aroused by the same sex. Example: If you put a Guy or a girl in a room alone and make them watch a gay porn a hundred, a thousand, or 10,000 times, they're bound to get an erection or orgasm at least one time.

That is why the Bible tells us not to have sexual relations with the same sex in the Old and New Testament. God knew that having gay and lesbian sex would be a temptation to some just as having sex with a family member is a temptation to some. He simply tells us not to act on it.

Here's where the difference between gays and straights come in. Some heterosexuals may have some homosexual thoughts or feelings in the past but they didn't act on them. Homosexuals they get the thoughts and the feelings and they act on it.

A 13 year old boy may watch a gay porn for the first time and realize he gets an erection. That doesn't mean he's gay I'm pretty sure he would get an erection watching dogs and ducks have sex. But the boy chooses to act on his feelings and continues to watch gay porn. After a certain point he will consider himself a homosexual and I'm sure he would become more attracted to males as a result. It doesn't mean he was born gay, it doesn't mean he isn't straight. He simply enjoys the same sex sexually.

So, it's not a choice to be gay it's a lifestyle.

Just as a young girl can grow up attracted to her brother. I'm sure plenty girls think their brother is cute at one point. Some choose not to act on it but a few accept it and grow up to be more and more attracted to their brother. But they weren't born only attracted to same family sex.

But we have to avoid that lifestyle as God says. It is only a temptation of this world.

We don't want to hate our homosexual brothers and sisters that would make us hypocrites. We should love our neighbor as we love ourself.

That's the truth.
God Bless

- TG - WI - 12-10-2012 05:50 PM

No matter who you are you need to accept yourself. Gay, not gay, white, black, hispanic, fat, skinny, whatever the case may be, you need to accept you for who you are. The more proud you are of yourself the more proud others will be of you. Your parents will eventually accept it. Right its just a shock to them, but sooner or later it will just be who you are to them and not what you are.
Give them sometime, and be proud of yourself, no matter who you are!!