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Should I still be friends with them ? - Printable Version

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Should I still be friends with them ? - ashley - 12-10-2012 06:31 PM

Ok so I'm a freshman in high school . I've always struggled with friends but Jocelyn and Sharon have always been whom I've gone back to. They were my best friends until 7th grade (last year). This new girl Hannah came to town and became friends with Jocelyn although they never hung out at school. But they had classes together and me and Sharon didn't have any with them. They also hung out over summer of 8th grade. I didn't worry because Hannah was going to a different school but she ended up going to the same as me and Jocelyn and Sharon. The first two months I tried to make new friends and Hannah and Jocelyn and Sharon were friends. But then something happened and Hannah wasn't friends with them anymore . So I started hanging out with them but I didn't feel apart of the convo cuz Sharon and Jocelyn talked about stuff idk. But I still hung out with them. Now Jocelyn and me text and Sharon and me text but like on twitter and Instagram Jocelyn isn't following me back and I asked her to and she said she'll see while she's still following Hannah and liking or rt every pic or tweet. Today Hannah liked Jocelyn's pic and Jocelyn screenshot it and uploaded it on Instagram . So what should I do ? I'm crying and I feel like I have no one :/ Hannah Hates me so if she's back with Jocelyn I don't have any friends :/ so what to do ?!!

- GIRLXXX - 12-10-2012 06:39 PM

Well you were the odd girl out in this trio anyways. You're better off alone than accepting that kind of treatment. Join a sports or a club and make a new friend. Or get a job and make a friend there.

- ZELDA! - 12-10-2012 06:39 PM

Be friends with who you want to be friends with. As long as they don't treat you bad then who cares. And if they don't like you or even want to talk to you because they are to busy being little beothes then just let them go and forget about them. who cares if poeple you don't like or people who don't like you is friends with someone you both like, if that person is a true friend she'd find enough time for the both of you. right!!!??/ And I agree, join clubs and sports you'll find alot more friends and other people to just forget about them!

- Dan Zambrano - 12-10-2012 06:39 PM

Honestly friends don't fight. I'm a guy and if they're ur best friends then u shouldn't fight with eacheother. It's not like ur dateing. U need to find new friends that won't leave u out and won't betray u. There are many people out there and u everyone has a friend. Nothing's wrong with u. Just don't think about Makeing a friend and let it happen on its own. Be urself. Real friends won't hurt u.