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I've been classically conditioned to get anxiety over Facebook? - Printable Version

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I've been classically conditioned to get anxiety over Facebook? - LittleOne - 12-10-2012 08:23 PM

I was severely bullied growing up on Facebook and sent death threats over things that weren't even true

I would like to have Facebook to keep in contact with some people but I get extreme anxiety even by seeing the logo

How can I fix myself :/

- deafeningkitten394 - 12-10-2012 08:31 PM

Facebook is by no means the only way to communicate with people. Of course most people seldom use email or messenger anymore, and most Americans are attached to facebook, but there has to be a certain way you can talk to old friends? If not, than just suck it up and accept that that anxiety roots from your past, a part of you that is no longer present. You make your own heaven and hell, if you choose to affiliate facebook with bullies and trauma, it will haunt you and prevent you from doing what you want. However, if you choose to see FB for what it really is, a social networking site, than you will have a better time getting over your anixiety. Plus, FB has changed a lot during the years.. Not for the better, but it definitely looks much different than it did in 2008, per say. So just accept it.