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So Many Girls Like My Crush? - Printable Version

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So Many Girls Like My Crush? - Anthea - 12-10-2012 10:04 PM

So I recently moved to a new school and my crush is only in my math class. We talked a little bit but not that much. Since i'm new he doesn't really know me but I really like him. So apprently he added me in facebook and I stalked his wall lol. Girls were posting on his wall you're so attractive <3 and everything some guys were even saying too many girls like him! i'm so upset because I probably won't have a chance with him.. so please help me on how we could talk more? btw i'm still a new kid x

- Erin - 12-10-2012 10:12 PM

it doesn't matter who likes you're crush. he's a crush. if he likes you he will let you know. he probably doesn't care too much about dating girls anyway.

- Evona - 12-10-2012 10:12 PM

no worries i was in a situation like this before:
basically what you want to do is just get to know him. Make excuses to talk to him more.
Also try and make some new friends at school (im sure you will eventually anyway) im just saying Smile
remember to just be yourself and dont act desperate for his attention. its obvious he already gets a lot of that (im not trying to be mean sorry!!!) but from what you described thats what it seems like. Act like a friend (whos hard to get) and maybe try your luck? youre the new kid so your slate is clean and you can be as bold as you want with no one to judge! Smile
good luck! Smile
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