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Why did he delete me off of facebook? - Printable Version

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Why did he delete me off of facebook? - Hello - 12-10-2012 11:23 PM

My fiance and I broke up almost a month ago. We had been trying to work things out for over a year. His parents did not like me and he couldn't see a future with me if I wasn't allowed in his family. He broke up with me. I was heartbroken but also tired of trying to make things work when he didn't want too.

I recently met an old friend from college and started hanging out this week. I posted a status about a funny situation in which him and I were talking about karma on my facebook. My ex deleted me as a friend within an hour of me posting that. I wasn't talking about his family, I was talking in general. He also deleted my best gal friend. They have been friends for over 10 years and she hasn't done anything to him since we broke up. She hasn't spoken with him but hasn't said anything bad about him either.

A friend of mine said he could have taken it that I was talking about his family and got mad and deleted me. Another friend said he probably did it because he knows I've been hanging with this guy and he sees I am moving on and it hurt him.

What do you think? Why did he delete me after a month of being broken up? Why didn't he delete me to begin with? Why did he delete my friend? We haven't talked but we haven't fought either. We went our separate ways

- turd ferguson - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

You're not together so why do you need to be facebook friends? Move on.

- Anthony - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

Maybe deep down he still has feelings for you. Seeing you FB chatting with another guy may have brought up some jealous feelings and he decided to delete you in order to have a clean break.

Just my thoughts on the situation as a good friend of mine was in a similar situation to your ex.

- Natures - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

He may have just figured you two are not together and he doesn't want to read or see what your doing? Facebook to me is an open book for anyone & everyone to see what your doing, how you do it & how you really feel.

As for your friend he may think as you two are no longer together he doesn't want to be friends with her either.

- Travis - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

He was not ready to let you go, but seeing you with another guy hurts even if your not with them anymore. I would have done the same thing he did if I was in his situation. Was this friend you hung out with a male? one of his long time buddies? If that was the case then he probably knows full well why that his friend hung out with you, and so he is now trying to forget the whole thing. I would call and talk to him, only thing you can do at this point.

- CKat2006 - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

Maybe he still has feelings for you and it hurts him to see you with another guy. That's why I deleted my Ex. Even though I was the one that ended things with him, I was still sad about it. And seeing him with another girl just made me more sad. I wouldn't take it personally. Sometimes to move on and heal completely you just have to completely remove that person from your life

- Someone smart - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

who cares? He is your ex. Just move on and not care what he does and why.

- Joe - 12-10-2012 11:31 PM

I think it's pretty straightforward. I was in a situation that was kind of similar: My last serious girlfriend and I had a bad breakup after being together for over 2 years. I stayed friends with her on facebook for a while. She broke up with me, so naturally I would check her facebook every so often because I missed her. After maybe a month (I don't really remember how long it was) I just deleted her from facebook. I wanted to move on and I just didn't want to see her any more or be in contact with her. Every time I would look at her facebook I'd be jealous or sad or whatever. Eventually I just thought "ok thats enough," and a few clicks later I didn't have to see her on my news feed or get random messages from her. That was a couple years ago, at this point I wouldn't have a problem being friends with her at all because I'm at a different place in my life and have moved on.
Everyone handles breakups differently. He could have felt guilty for breaking up with you. Maybe seeing pictures of you on facebook reminded him of his anger towards his parents. Maybe he's a secret agent now. Who knows.