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why do older generation people keep their friends? - Printable Version

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why do older generation people keep their friends? - fstmxr4u2c - 12-11-2012 01:18 AM

Why do older generation people keep their friends? I am talking about those who were in their teens, say like in the 1950-1960s. It just seems like their not so judgmental of each other, so their friendships last through all the quirks that come with it. In today’s generation, it is like if anything rocks the boat, friendship is done!
I have the stupidest things happen in my friendships, and instantly their gone. Sadly I have no control over what happened! But I look at my parents, and observe their relationships over the years, and the bumps their friendships been through, but their still good friends?

- mrs. mike - 12-11-2012 01:26 AM

Hi fstmxr,

To say "things were just different back then" is an over-simplification, but that's kind of what it boils down to. I think part of it is because the "traditional family unit" was much more common than it is now, the divorce rate was much lower than it is now, and family members learned how to work through problems. Families had dinner together just about every night, talking about all kinds of things both good and bad, so children learned communication skills and problem-solving. Also, a lot of parents back then didn't put up with near as much "guff" from their kids as parents do today.

We didn't have all of today's communications technology so we actually talked face to face with our friends on just about a daily basis and learned how to develop true friendships, we treated each other with respect (for the most part). TV shows were much simpler with no profanity, no or little sexual references, no violence other than Wally lightly swatting Beaver on his arm.

All of those kinds of things brought people together in a more "pure" way than some things today. And so much of it was simple respect. It seems that today, society as a whole has "respect issues."

Excellent question - thanks for asking it.


- dmt - 12-11-2012 01:26 AM

Older people are less inclined to follows things like Facebook, Twitter and other modern ways of communication. They don't get caught up in gossip, posting pictures, bragging or talking about others online. And that's how a lot of modern friendships fall apart.

Also, young people today have no "instinct", not much common sense and definitely no patience. Their values are also superficial. Whereas older people who were not brought up on such technology value actual face to face contact and don't rely on rumor or gossip to judge a person.

They are a face to face generation.