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Girls, Why is she telling me to leave her alone nicely? - Printable Version

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Girls, Why is she telling me to leave her alone nicely? - Andrew - 12-11-2012 01:21 AM

This girl was showing me interest and we almost had sex before. I asked the her to go out clubbing with me and she said she wasn't sure. She actually came to surprise me but I wasn't expecting her. I went home with another girl before she came. She found out because my friends had pictures on facebook. She liked the photo and when I txt her now, she is saying she is generally busy and I have to txt her few days before I wanna hangout with her. She said she doesn't want me to ruin her plans. I went to see her and she acted completely different around me. she asked if i like the other girl and i said no. when i ask her to go out clubbing again, she said she doesn't want to go because i want to find a one night stand. She is saying she is busy when i asked her to go out for dinner. Is she mad, does she like me? Why is she telling me to leave her alone nicely? Would you do this if a guy hurt you, wouldn't you yell at him?

- Firstname - 12-11-2012 01:29 AM

Yes, she liked you. It hurt her feelings, most likely a lot, when you were with another girl.

- melissa - 12-11-2012 01:29 AM

Okay I'm gonna lay out what just happened with her step-by-step for you:
BEFORE she surprised you:
--she liked you and wanted to date you.
--she wasn't sure about going clubbing because she actually wanted to date you--not just sleep with you.
AFTER she surprised you:
--she didn't like the photo... actually she was mad you went home with another girl when she thought you guys were starting to date.
--she's saying she's busy to test you--it's a stupid rule some idiot woman wrote about in a book. If a guy is really worth it and wants to go on a date on the weekend, he has to schedule the date with you by Wednesday. It's kind of a whole play-hard-to-get-thing (kind of)... more to see whether or not you actually care enough to keep pursuing her. (Or whether you'll just run off again and sleep with another girl).
--she will never go clubbing with you until you man up and stop sleeping around...she thinks you're a man whore.

Point blank, dude... you messed up, and there's no fixing it until you grow up. She probably does still like you, but obviously she's WAY too good for you (and obviously much more mature). She's being nice to you because she's a good person and yelling isn't in her nature. Do her a favor and stay away. Keep taking home the bar sluts, because you don't deserve a good girl until you start thinking with your brain and heart instead of your di**.