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Met a girl, had a quick chat, got her number, now no answer? - Printable Version

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Met a girl, had a quick chat, got her number, now no answer? - Gearld - 12-11-2012 01:48 AM

So I met this girl at the bar a little over a week ago at a friends bands show. We had a really great chat and feel I like I can read people pretty well after a first impression. Obviously I found her absolutely amazing and just my type, which is why I'm on here.... Anyway, I got her number, she texted me right after I left the bar asking if I was friends with the other band, we texted a bit back and fourth about the bands. Then stupidly in my drunken state, right off the bat I asked what she was up to the next day... Which is now still the last text in that convo. She did add me to Facebook the next day though, so I tried calling her a few days later to ask her out for a coffee... No answer. Tried again today (about 4 days later).. Nothin. Should I leave her a Facebook message asking her? I'd rather not in a phone message.
How can I get a chance with this gal?

- NxoxoA - 12-11-2012 01:56 AM

Noo.. u r getting clingy .. girls dont like dat. Be a little chase. She texted u first dats bcuz she liked u. Bt u threw wanabee attitude at her. Be a little chase. Dont call dont msg dont msg on facebook TOO. If she wants to hang out. She ll come around. Othrwise. Forget her.

- zani - 12-11-2012 01:56 AM

Yeah leave here a message on facebook incase something happened with her phone and if she doesn't reply after that then forget her

- American Pickers - 12-11-2012 01:56 AM

Sorry to break it to you she was intrested in the band members not you, she just gave you a # to blow you off & if she was drinking i know she regreted giving you her # at all, i do it all the time but i give #'s to them of people i dont like. Let it go, it was a drunken talk wasnt nothing to it sorry