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Why is everything "okay" for my boyfriend but not me? - Printable Version

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Why is everything "okay" for my boyfriend but not me? - Cindy - 12-11-2012 02:13 AM

First lets start off by saying this. I don't have a facebook because my overprotective doesn't let me have one. Let listen to this i asked him if i could have his password and he told me "no because there's convos with his guy friends tht i shouldn't see" *WHICH I RESPECT* so he said that i can look at his phone whenever i'd like when i'm with him. Today, I went thru his messages on facebook. Him and his friend were talking about girls LEFT AND RIGHT. I'm talking about "damn shes hot" or "damn shes fine" Lets make this clear im not jealous because hes never put me in that position. but why is it that when i talk for example about a f-ucking actor (Channing Tatum let's say lol) you start World War 3?!?!? Like we go out to a hookah bar and he gets mad when i look around or if some other guy looks at me o.O its like relax. Or is this just me? cause im certainly not doing anything wrong. Yet him and his bestfriend talk about others girls??? i dont understand -.- He's 19 and I'll be 18 in 3 months. HELP! i would love to hear from both men and women! thank you! Smile
I Loved all these answers! Thanks for your help everyone.
But the only problem is now he's asking me whats wrong and its weird because i often tell him nothing is wrong just so i dont have to talk to him about it. Like i feel like he always has the last word. How can i tell him this? That im upset from what i saw? My major problem is that i can't get over him we've been together too long now. and i dont want to lose him -_-
(I think Im being a pain in the butt to the people who are answering -.-)

- shawn91111 - 12-11-2012 02:21 AM

2 jealous people in a relationship together will only cause what you described and will only get worse

Also dont say you're not jealous because its in your post of things you need to know about him and what he does, or is up to.


- me - 12-11-2012 02:21 AM

Because youre allowing it to be that way. People can't treat you like sh*t if you don't let them. Make a facebook, talk about other guys, live your life and if he tries to control you then you need to stand up for yourself. A good "I'm not living by your double standards anymore. What you can do, I'm going to do. Period. If you have a problem with that then I have a problem with you" Quit taking his sh*t!!

- Susie - 12-11-2012 02:21 AM

i salute you for not being jealous, i'd kick my boyfriend's ***! He probably is just very protective over you which is cute, but if his jealousy gets in the way of your relationship just give him a few words saying that its not cool with you. Otherwise it just sounds like another guy, you cant talk about guys, but he can girls, as long as hes not doing anything its harmless! Good luck Smile

- Goldie - 12-11-2012 02:21 AM

You let him control you too much. Get a grip girl. No one tells you what to do but your parents. If he doesn't like it he can move on. There is so many other guys and you can find one that will treat you better., This one sounds like a real gem..