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Social Media Marketing training? - Printable Version

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Social Media Marketing training? - Harut - 12-11-2012 04:44 AM

I have no experience in Social Media Marketing but have plans to start.
I have strong technical background but no marketing background.

Any suggestions about good training course for me?
Online training is preferred.

- Asim Ad - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

Social media marketing is nothing more then to share your views, ideas, opinions in different other social networks social media marketing is necessary for the businesses websites.

- Amit - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

Social Media marketing is all about your engagement on various social networking sites and how you attract people with different kind of stuff.Smile

- Smart Resolution - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

You should do fine with a strong technical background. Research Yahoo contest rules, develop any apps as you may want to add to your Facebook page, create pages for Google+, Twitter, etc... and look at what other websites are doing. Some create blogs, some write articles. We believe it's really more of an art than a science at this point... Welcome to this new world, enjoy!

- Clarice - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

There are quite a number of websites online that you can use. Try to look for websites that offer a link between social media marketing and SEO. You will need to use the major social media website such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to drive traffic to your website.

- Kristina Wilson - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

If you really want to learn social media marketing just start a self training by following the below points:

1.Make your profiles on Facebook, Twitter ,Goggle+ and start updating regularly.

2.You just have to focus on others and try to trap what others are doing in their social media sites.

3.Follow good profiles and try to do better than that.

4.Try to learn everyday a new and interesting tip and implement the same on to your page.

5. Always post good and interesting content to attract the users to read you post.

6. Use images and tag people on them.

7. Upload videos giving some informative message.

8. Last but not the least always maintain a conversational tone with your followers and friends.

- Labony - 12-11-2012 04:52 AM

Social media marketing is very important to enhance and support search engine optimization efforts as once a page of a site or a link is found by social media users, it can then go 'viral' pointing many links back to the website which in turn is seen as a sign of popularity to the search genies and giving a boost in rankings to the said site.