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Why Would a Guy Show Interest in Me, Texts Me Daily, Then Suddenly Stop? Is this a test? - Printable Version

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Why Would a Guy Show Interest in Me, Texts Me Daily, Then Suddenly Stop? Is this a test? - Jae - 12-11-2012 05:02 AM

A few nights ago I got a random facebook message from a guy I met in college. I think he might like me because he'd stare a lot in class and go out of his way to talk to me. Anyway, during the fb convo he asked me how I was, if all my time was dedicated to working these days, and suggested that whenever I'm in town I should "hit him up." I recently moved to a different city and no longer attend his university. We exchanged numbers.

For the past few days we've been texting back and forth. He always texts me first, pretty early in the morning. Yesterday morning he texted me around 9:30am and said “good morning!” and continued our convo from the night before.

He texted me last night and I texted him back and ended my msg by saying goodnight, but he hasn't responded since. Totally weird because we've been texting for a couple of days and he always texted first. I worry maybe he's lost interest/isn't into me anymore. I talked a lot about myself in the text convos, mostly because he asked a lot of questions about me. I returned questions, but wonder if maybe I didn't show enough interest and so he's backed off. Maybe I'm just boring, or not how he thought I'd be.

What should I make of his sudden disinterest? Is he testing me? Thanks.

(btw Sorry, I know it sounds like an amateurish question, but I have social anxiety, and no experience with guys so I'm more than a little awkward and unconfident around them.)

- Mike - 12-11-2012 05:10 AM

Maybe he's dead.

- leena - 12-11-2012 05:10 AM

You should text him first he probably thinks your not interested because you never text him first.

- Belinda - 12-11-2012 05:10 AM

yea just try texting him first and try asking more questions about him too

- sydddd - 12-11-2012 05:10 AM

That right there, is a common guy move. Happens to me ALL the time. I never truly understand why. Try texting him first or making the move, they really like that because they may think you are not interested if you don't put enough effort. If that doesn't work talk to him or a someone who knows him to see what his past is like with girls. Watch out for douches, they just drop it to move on(been there, done that) Good luck!