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Should I reveal my big secret? - Printable Version

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Should I reveal my big secret? - Mathew - 12-11-2012 07:54 AM

Ok. I'm still in school and I have a few friends. I'm not the most popular guy in the planet and not a lot of people like me. I got verbally bullied for a long period of time due to a sport I used to do. I obviously wasn't very good at it and people took the pi** out of me. However, that has died down a lot now but I'm unsure if I want to reveal that I actually DJ. I'm a quiet guy and I think people would be surprised at me if they new. I've told a few friends and they think its cool but I don't know if I should tell everyone at school as there's a lot of people in my school, maybe 1500. I have a website, business cards, Facebook page and I get a fair amount of bookings each month. I provide a mobile disco service and I think it could really benefit if I went public as it could boost my booking rate. So please could anyone give me some advice on this. I just don't want hate from everyone at school as that's already happened and I got to a point where I didn't want to go to school. Sorry to leave it on a downer but I would really, really like to know what to do! Thanks guys Smile

- rainie yang is hot - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

just go in and say im gay ok accept me as i am .

but personally i think you should stick to girls.

- Alicia - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

Go for it! Screw what everyone else thinks and they'll probably respect you more for believing in yourself and what you do.

- BOBO - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM


I thought it was going to be about how you are a 10 year old boy and your goldfishes are actually fairies and if you told anyone your secret, your fairies would disappear for ever!

Now I am fairly disappointed because of you, well done!

- Smuel Hill - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

Yes dude Djs are awesome if anything u will become more populer u have nothing to be worried about

- anabelezenith - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

Instead of telling people outright, engineer a situation where the people you most trust witness you as a DJ so they can make up their own minds about how good you are.

- greatjar473 - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

Why on earth are you worried about them knowing you are a DJ. If anything, most of them would be quite impressed.
Don`t go out of yr way to tell them, as it would look like you`re boasting - but do drop it into the coversation in a general sort of way. Then it will soon just get around by general gossip, without it looking as tho you are boasting.

- Leo - 12-11-2012 08:02 AM

This makes little sense to me. If you're this confident, talented, and successful with your own business, why should small minded bullies matter in your life?
Lacking self-esteem is a great lure for bullies, it's like they feed off it. Don't feel you need to impress and brag to these people and prove your worth to them. That's a trap in life.
Be true to yourself and others will notice and respect you for it.