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I want to join Facebook but am scared about not being popular enough, should i join? - Printable Version

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I want to join Facebook but am scared about not being popular enough, should i join? - Anonymousfishy - 12-11-2012 10:46 AM

I want to join Facebook because i don't want to miss out on everything that's going on with my friends.

However I am hesitant about joining Facebook because I don't have many friends and so i don't like the idea of having my total number of friends shown to the world so everyone can see how pathetic i am. I don't want people to judge me but i don't want to be a nobody because i don't have Facebook like everyone else.

- Ben Schorr - 12-11-2012 10:54 AM

You can set your privacy settings so that other people can't see your friends list.

- Flora - 12-11-2012 10:54 AM

am pathetic you know.

I only have 29 contacts !!!!

BUT...I speak to them and them to me..

better than some who have 500 and ZERO conversations on their page lol !

- Mr. Programming - 12-11-2012 10:54 AM

Hi there. Facebook is a great way to communicate with your friends and family you may not be able to see in person very often. It's also a great way to advertise your business, retrieve homework from school/college. It's hard to avoid Facebook IMO.

It shouldn't matter on how many friends you have. It's quality not quantity. Since when does it matter how many friends you have, if these friends don't even know your middle name? I for one would rather have 8 great reliable friends on Facebook then 8,000 randomers.

Change your privacy settings so only your friends can see your wall and information. That way you're going to avoid any idiot trolling on Facebook.

Join Facebook, catch up with your friends. And most of all have a blast. Facebook has alot of offer.