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Would i be a terrible person if i dated my ex's best friend? - Printable Version

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Would i be a terrible person if i dated my ex's best friend? - Tayluhsalad - 12-11-2012 10:51 AM

ok. that question sounds terrible but its so complicated. Me and this guy dated off and on for a year. he was the worst bf ever. He made fat jokes, wouldn't go out in public with me, said i was ugly. well finally once when we were not dating he invited me to a midnight game release that he and his best friend were going to. i had skyped with the two plenty of times but i wanted to meet his friend so i went. well after his friend started messaging me on facebook frequently and one day he came and hung out with me and one of my friends. well he held my hand, and four movies later he kissed me, and i really like him. and i feel bad because my ex is spamming me trying to get me made a 12 min long video on youtube professing his love and shit. it wrong to date his friend after he was so shitty to me?

- Iqmitts14 - 12-11-2012 10:59 AM

No, ex means past, plus, that would be their problem, never yours, Why not, you are done with the other guy, he can't complain.

- Kiana - 12-11-2012 10:59 AM

hell no if you like his friend so what he was an a** for saying everything he said and who cares if you date his best friend good luck

- Victoria - 12-11-2012 10:59 AM

Um fu*k that son of a bit*h. At firstwhen I deadeye question I was like wow that's low but hellll no. That guy seems like a real a*s and it's making me angry haha so do what makes you happy and stop worrying about other people! This other guy seems nice so go get him

- Vili - 12-11-2012 10:59 AM

Tell him the truth that you are already moved on, he was not it and he is too late, you want to go to the fat jokes and accusations of being ugly I THINK NOT

Would be a terrible person if not telling the truth,

- LPHL143 - 12-11-2012 10:59 AM

You date the heII out of this new guy! If your ex really loved you, he would not have said all of those rude things. He had his chance, but it's time for him to move over! Guys love things they can't have, but go confront him about it and don't lead him on. Tell him that you've moved on, and if he really loved you, he would've appreciated you in the first place. If he gets all defensive and says sh!t like, "I won't let you date him, you're mine!" respond by saying "Was! I was yours. And I like the kind, compassionate type that won't call me fat over the rude type that puts me down and looks down on me." If he says, "But baby, I still love you!" say "Well then, you should've shown it in the first place." If he threatens you, don't hesitate to threaten to call the cops/get a restraining order based on the severity of the threat. Don't feel bad. If it didn't work the first time, it's not going to work again. Try to stay away from him after you've confronted him. Don't go to his parties, and don't go to any parties with him. Hope this helps!