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How would you respond to a message on facebook like this one I just received? - Printable Version

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How would you respond to a message on facebook like this one I just received? - Emma - 12-11-2012 01:00 PM

This was from some total random guy.

"Err hi...I think you might have gone to my elementary school because you look real famaliar and I know you from somewhere but I can't rememember >< Lol well I'm trying as hard as I can not to seem like some creepy stalker, We don't have any mutual friends so that sort of brings down chances that I knew you =/ I know I don't really have many facebook pics they are all mostly way too old.. I can't say for sure you're the same person I knew or not,but its just sort of bugging me because you look so famaliar! hopefuly this doesn't seem THAT strange to you =l

He's the same age as me (15) and he's really cute from the pictures I've seen, he lives in the same city as me...And another very strange thing is that on my facebook profile I have it set as looking for:A relationship, as well as his ALSO says looking for"a relationship"

Thought it was kinda fishy at first, I'm going to reply to him right now =)

If you received the same message in my situation, how would you reply? what would you think?

- shallowbun392 - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

Tell him if he seems familiar or not.

- A.Ross - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

i would think he is going to rape me

- grantwood - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

If you think you might know him, say sure. If not, ignore. You could always friend him, and if it seems odd, you could un-friend him. I like only having friends on Facebook who are actually friends.

- 美天 - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

well here, ask him what school he went to. and then say yeah or no, then ask him what teacher he had. just to see if he really knows his stuff---he's not just making up crap

lots of people's profiles say "in a relationship" so don't worry about that

- Nicole C - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

well i would say that i didnt remember u but who knows cause i dont have the greatest memory haha. and i think that u might be right about the looking for a relationship things. who knows? give it a shot i guess but be careful.
and im 15 also.

- Experttest868 - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

ask him for a pic from elementary school, ask him his full real name etc. I don't know about the being attracted to you thing until we see what else he says.

- Bry H - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

just say i might no u.....then check ur year book from elementry sckool and find him

- CRAZY PILLS - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

He's probably lying but he only messaged you because he saw your pics and he thought you were hot. He wants to date you...MORE THAN LIKELY...unless he is like me and just messaged you to be friends.

- Herza K - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

just ignore it