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How do I make my comments and likes not appear in Facebooks new news feed? - Printable Version

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How do I make my comments and likes not appear in Facebooks new news feed? - Nightcoon - 12-11-2012 01:08 PM

I'm a person who has quite a few secrets, and these are some secrets I'd rather not have my family and some friends see, so how do I hide my comments and likes from the news feed thats to the right on the new Facebook?
Thanks for the help, Richard.

- Jollyairplane513 - 12-11-2012 01:16 PM

If you don't want it seen, don't post it. It's kinda stupid to post "secrets" on a social networking site, you know.

- david b - 12-11-2012 01:16 PM

Ask your friends to "hover" over your name and click "subscribe". Then have them uncheck "Comments and Likes"

- Dronak - 12-11-2012 01:16 PM

Actually, I don't think the advice going around now about changing subscription settings will help. As I just commented to a friend who posted it:

I think if you change subscription settings, you're only affecting your feed. If I turn off "comments and likes" for you, for example, I won't see those from you. You'd still see mine though, unless you also turn them off for me. And our comments/likes should still be on FB elsewhere (probably on our profiles), just not in the feed. There ought to be a privacy setting that controls the visibility of your posts.

However, I'm not sure if there's a simple privacy setting for this sort of thing. Your best bet is probably Facebook's "Choosing who you share with" help page (source below). That should explain how you decide who can see the things you post.

Of course, the best way to make sure people don't see things is to not post them in the first place. If that's not an option though, check your privacy settings and sharing settings on your posts to make sure they're the way you want them. I hope this helps.

- Zulfikar D. Zimmer - 12-11-2012 01:16 PM

I myself am not very happy with the changes happened on Facebook, i kept on seeing what my friends comment on their friends which is not my friend, and some of it can bring people to misunderstand, i myself too have a secret which i would ONLY tell those whom i trust, rather than appear on news feed which all of my friend will be able to see, i guess at this particularly moment the best way to keep your secret from those you forbid to see is by message your friend in which you and the person you message are only able to see.