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My friend keeps talking to random people online for a relationship? - Printable Version

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My friend keeps talking to random people online for a relationship? - DroneTube - 12-11-2012 04:28 PM

He uses things like kik messenger and Facebook to try and maintain a pathetic relationship when he has never even seen her in real life. He says its because he is bad with girls in his school so he resorts to this. I tell him to improve his social skills instead of talking to people who lives somewhere else. Usually on the other side of the country or America. (We live in the UK) He thinks it is serious and its really annoying and he claims he is superior as he has a girlfriend.

He is 14.

He gets depressed when she doesnt talk to him and it reflects on me and my friends. This is how sad it gets. For the oncoming christmas. He is not getting his friends a present, Not his brother, Not even his mom but he is getting one for his "girlfriend" who lives on the otherside of the country. I tried to accept it but this is annoying now!

WHAT DO I DO! How can i direct him in better directions like on how to socialise and etc.

- Julia - 12-11-2012 04:36 PM

Try telling him that she won't matter in a couple of years, plus you guys are young you shouldn't be wasting time on a girlfriend. Also, long distant relationships never end well.

- Rachel Berg - 12-11-2012 04:36 PM

I kind of think every teenager has been in to this "online dating" thing lately, Sometimes people truly are in love, and other times it's all lies. I know how it is to have an annoying friend that gets super depressed just because his/her girlfriend/boyfriend is not talking to them. It is so annoying. Just tell him to shutup about it, it's his decision to have a girlfriend way across the country, not yours. Tell him how it's really none of your business what goes on. If he is in love with this girl then you can't stop the love ! ;D

- Tai - 12-11-2012 04:36 PM

Beleive or not, chatting online is still social skill building

he just needs to learn to apply it to people in person, but this is not an easy matter. The best you can do is offer him the oppertunity. You cant force someone to socialize until they are ready or willing to give it a try.

Be patient and accept him for who he is, it will make your life easier.

- ? - 12-11-2012 04:36 PM

hook him up with one of your friends .