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how do you think he will respond if i tell him i like him? - Printable Version

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how do you think he will respond if i tell him i like him? - Nora☯ - 12-11-2012 05:42 PM

For a while he seemed into me, we kissed/hungout a few times, but our little fling fizzled out quick and im unsure why. He just suddenly stopped making an effort to hang out with me. Now when we see each other around, we make brief polite conversation but that's it. Sometimes I see him flirting with other girls. My friends say he's just a jerk and i should get over him, but i still really like him. It's like he's taunting me: liking my profile picture on facebook, greeting me with hugs, being friendlier than ever, but still doesnt text me. Its been 3 weeks since we last hung out. I want to find out why. I wonder if maybe he's just a player.

This weekend im planning on discussing this with him, ill probably end up running into him at party, and maybe i can just pull him aside somewhere quiet and ask him what the deal is. I want to tell him i have a crush on him and find out if he feels the same. But im afraid of making a fool of myself, what if he never thought anything of me and treats all girls the same? I dont want to come across as clingy and obsessive but im desperate to find some closure and see whats on his mind. How should i ask him, how do you think he will respond?

- Liz - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

If he just all of a sudden stopped making an effort, it could be because he thinks you don't like him OR he isn't into you. Asking him whats up is a good idea, just make sure you are prepared to not like his answer. Say you had fun hanging out before and you are bummed it stopped and see what he says.

- Amoro - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

go find the right one for you.

- Moo - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

break up with that dick

- Nicki - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

I guess Liz gave you the best advice, I'm kinda in a similar situation, so IDK! I'm afraid to ask him anything, so I'll wait until he does, and if he tells me he likes me again, I'll tell him we should date, and expect the worse haha

- Jared - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

Thanks for answering mine Wink. You should just tell him how you feel. Tell him that you've been with other guys before but it's never quite been like him. Tell him how special and awesome he makes you feel. Just flatter him. Maybe tell him something like he's the reason you get up in the morning or whatever haha. He'll be touched. And if he's not, he's an ass and you should forget about him. But if not, try all you can, and good look Smile

- sojazzed - 12-11-2012 05:50 PM

I agree with Liz on this one. Put it out there that you had an awesome time and see how he feels