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How do I stop comparing myself to other girls? - Printable Version

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How do I stop comparing myself to other girls? - myira_shine - 12-11-2012 05:46 PM

I think - or rather, I know - that I am very pretty. I look at myself in the mirror and even though of course I have bad days where when my hair isn't done I feel gross, most of the time I think I would rate myself an 8 or 9 out of 10. There are definitely things I like about myself and things I don't like (I love my teeth but I'm 5'8" at 132 and I want to lose 8lbs). But the problem is: I always feel like I have good self-confidence until I go on Facebook and I see pictures of girls who are just gorgeous. And that's when I feel ugly, too tall, clumsy, and I become aware of my broad shoulders, the fact that my hair isn't as long as I want, the fact that my leg doesn't look as thin as hers does when she bends it, etc. It's awful!

For example: I have a good friend who's cousin is in my opinion, just gorgeous. She is very photogenic (which I am not) and it's embarrassing to admit, but even though I hate looking at her Facebook pictures because it makes me feel bad, I do anyway and it's like self-torture. This happens with other girls too who I know in person and who just seem to always look beautiful. How do I maintain a level of self-confidence when I'm not by myself? How do I stop comparing myself to other girls? I'm 21 years old, so the old "high school" excuse can't be used anymore.

- Erick - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

It can come from two main reasons, I say this as someone who stays COMPARE himself to people all the time or you're really critically or is it a lack of confidence Do not compare yourself to people. Be happy what you have!

- Bossy - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

I think every girl compares to themselves to other girls, and honestly, I don't think there's any way to stop it!

You could be the most confident, prettiest, smartest girl in the world, yet you'd compare yourself to someone else. I think in a girls nature, we want to be just as, or prettier than some girls.

When you log on Facebook you see all of the girls' pictures that are pretty, but have you ever thought......they're pictures! The girls most likely posed their way to a good picture, and remember......They don't get the pretty picture the first shot! Most of those girls take forever to take the perfect picture.

You see pretty girls and think of how pretty they are and how pretty you "aren't" compared to them, but have you ever thought....another girl out there wishes to be as pretty as you, too? Smile

Girls are such beautiful people, who can be 100% secure with themselves with all the beautiful girls out there? Don't feel bad, I don't believe every girl feels completely satisfied with themselves, especially with other girls out there!

All of us girls are pretty, no matter our size or characteristics!

- me - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

Society makes it really difficult not to regardless of how pretty you are. Even the sexiest people out there (celebrities) are compared hotness-wise to other celebrities, devaluing their hotness right off the bat. It may be difficult to stop comparing yourself to others, I'm in the process of improving on this myself, but at the end of the day just realize that even if you were the hottest girl you knew, someone out there will be hot enough to compare you to. In addition, everyone's idea of hotness is different and although one guy may think youre less hot than another girl, theres another guy who disagrees. Maybe observe what it is you admire about these girls' appearances and apply them to yourself? Sometimes a makeover or even just a new hair color gives a nice confidence boost

- Lo - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

Check out this video . These powerful women can guide you!

- Curious Mind - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

Those girls that you look at that look 'absolutely gorgeous' have the same insecurities as you. Please keep in mind that a lot of these girls wear pounds of makeup and photoshop their pictures. Most of them are vain and spend hours in the morning getting their hair to look perfect. Don't let it bring you down.

- PerfectLife - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

It's good to have self-esteem and think your a very good looking person, but it's not good to think others are better looking than yourself. You will see so many pretty girls that you may think is prettier than yourself but that does not mean everyone else thinks that. other people may think your just as pretty or prettier. Everyone has their own unique look. You can't stop thinking other girls are pretty but you should stop comparing yourself to them because your self esteem will start getting really low and you won't be happy again. It's your choice. instead of thinking wow these girls are way prettier than me, instead think in a positive way. Ex. This girl is really pretty but I'm just as pretty or even though I think she's prettier than me does not mean other people thinks that. Everyone has an opinion you can't be the best looking girl in this world because someone is always going to think someone looks better than you.

I suffered with this also.

- Katty - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

You have to stop thinking about it, in life you will always find better looking people then yourself, but don't take it to your heart, you are beautiful in your own unique way, the inner beauty is what matter, let your soul be kind, happy and sincere; everyone is special, there is something in this world that nobody can do better then you, you just have to fine it Smile She might have much better looks but at the same time for example, she might not be smart, or might be a dumb blonde, nobody is perfect, just thanks god that you are at-least the person you are today, you know there are people living with much more worst cases it might be related to looks, health or mind, there is something or a talent that you are better than her at, maybe you already know what it is. Smile your special Smile
Good luck sis Smile

- Alex - 12-11-2012 05:54 PM

Take a look at the photos of the Palestinian children and babies that are currently dying because of Israeli bombs. It will make you to appreciate what you have now. Oh take a look at some African children that are dying of hunger. You'll feel better to have that extra 8lbs.