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What's a clever way to start talking to the guy I like on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What's a clever way to start talking to the guy I like on Facebook? - Sara - 12-11-2012 06:02 PM

So I recently added the guy I like as my Facebook friend. I want to say hi, but I don't want to be all lame and just be like hi or hey or whatever... so do you know of anything good to say that isn't flirtatious but is intriguing? Thanks!

- Cloud - 12-11-2012 06:10 PM

Hey... Cool link/picture, etc... Where did you get that? That is totally cool...


You post is totally hilarious... It is like the MOST funniest thing I seen in this century...

or you can just say

Hey, you're cute... Can I have your autograph? Pleaseeeeee...