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an israeli military spokesperson is a racist? - Printable Version

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an israeli military spokesperson is a racist? - Stuart - 12-11-2012 06:53 PM

CAIRO – One of the Israeli military’s most visible spokesmen is under fire for a photo he posted on his Facebook page captioned “Obama style” in which his face is smeared with mud.

Sacha Dratwa posted the photo in late September, but since the furor he has restricted access to his account. A screengrab of the original post circulating online showed that it drew mixed reactions, with one commenter saying, “You know this is racist, yeah?”

In the photo, Dratwa appears to be smeared in mud from the Dead Sea, a popular activity for many visiting and living in Israel. Dratwa responded to a user on Twitter accusing him of racism saying, “I’m not a racist, please stop [spreading] lies about me.” He also posted a response on Facebook saying the firestorm around the photo misrepresents his opinions and is a “cynical use of the information” on his profile.

“I am, and have always been, completely candid about my beliefs and have nothing to hide,” wrote Dratwa on Sunday. “The aforementioned photos do not reflect my beliefs and have no bearing whatsoever on my position in the IDF.”
because we give israel $3 billion a year. but the corporate media will not focus on this
all jews are racist? the christian bible and koran are kind of racist too
Anthropologists have proven time after time for the past 500 yrs that all cultures and all peoples are racist. Everyone is racist. The worst kind are those who can't accept their own racism and who call others racists....i kind of agree with this
racists tend to think racism is not important

- slew - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

and why is this news?

- flower - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

Apparently he is too ignorant to know the Iron Dome missile shield that stopped most of the Hamas rocket fire was paid for by the U.S. and authorized by Pres. Obama. What an idiot, an ingrate, and a racist bastard. These are the people the U.S. is supporting ?

- Jeff - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

So Jews are racist who didn't know that just read the Torah

- Tj Punk - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

Anthropologists have proven time after time for the past 500 yrs that all cultures and all peoples are racist. Everyone is racist. The worst kind are those who can't accept their own racism and who call others racists.

- alucard817 - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

I really don't care what the Israeli military officials have to say.

- ms manners - 12-11-2012 07:01 PM

So what?