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Give customer coupons once they like us on facebook? - Printable Version

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Give customer coupons once they like us on facebook? - Bengal Tiger - 12-11-2012 07:40 PM

I am creating an online store using Wordpress with Woocommerce. Is there any plugins or anything which will let my customer Like Us on facebook. Once they like us they will be able to see a discount coupon.?

- Oh herro - 12-11-2012 07:48 PM

A facebook page is worth next to nothing when marketing a small business. I would just have the coupon on your website because I don't think there's any function in facebook that does what you wanted.

- Phantomhat823 - 12-11-2012 07:48 PM

On Facebook you will find a app called coupons by woobox. It will create an app for your facebook page that once a fan likes your page they can access the coupon. Facebook is great for small businesses who want to capture information from new customers too, you can add another app called contactme to capture name, email, or any other information you'd like from your customers. If you are subscribed to Constant Contact or Mail Chimp (like Constant Contact but free) they have apps to capture info as well. If you are tech savvy enough you can even create your own apps, because Facebook is an open source platform. Facebook is VERY relevant for any type of business or organization! Feel free to keep in touch and like me at Hope to see you soon!

- PressSteps - 12-11-2012 07:48 PM

Here are a few options:

Here's a Twitter version:

Hope that helps! Good luck with your website Smile