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How much money do I need to found a website like facebook?What technology and software do I have to use? - Printable Version

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How much money do I need to found a website like facebook?What technology and software do I have to use? - gnocato79 - 12-11-2012 07:44 PM

I mean, I would like to now what tipe of server I need to store a big amount of data (I guess something as big as a quarter of Facebook data) and what type of skill I need(java,php,html,cobol etcc)?

- Captian Video - 12-11-2012 07:52 PM

Let's just talk money to begin with; Assuming you are a Creative person and can do a certain amount yourself; To concept, design, write, develop, HTML, code development, hardware, testing, promotion to launch, advertising and launch create a competitor to a FB or MS.... $1,300,000, minimum. I have already run those numbers.