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should I stop talking to her? - Printable Version

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should I stop talking to her? - Abel - 12-11-2012 09:53 PM

I had an arguement with this girl, we both liked eachother but she later on told me to " forget it, forget everything and move the hell on". Told me" its old news we are not close friends just heys and hellos when we see each other on the street or bus..."... I called her names but didn't cuss nor call her the b word but I called a rude and cruel person but later apologized and told her i still have feeelings for her but on the very same day I denied it and told her to never mind it, anything more than friends i dont want.

She was on holidays and I haven't seen her in 6 months. I saw her 2 months ago, she was on phone but she smiled and waved at me but I looked at her and walked pass her. I sent her a text message and apologized.

I saw her last month. She smiled at me and almost walked pass me , I was in a hurry to get the bus, so I may have looked conceited coz it was such a quick apology.
I said "hey"
she replied "whats up" with a smile
Me: sorry for the other day k?
She paused for a second and pretended like nothing happened and replied "Its no problem" she looked angry.
Me: okay see you.

Its was her birthday two weeks ago. She once blocked me on facebook but later unblocked me and is yet to add me back. I sent her a simple "Happy Birthday!!" message on facebook. She didn't say thanks nor reply.

I sent her this msg: hey, hope you're good. you're still pissed off Smile I'l call you tomorrow to say hello

I called her (it was already dark outside) she picked up the phone I said "hello is this (her name)?"and she said "yeah" I said "hey its (my name)" and she replied "hi" but the call was disconnected. I thought i was the one who disconnected it. I redialed her number straight away and her mobile was switched off. 6 minutes later I got a message from her saying "Bat died, makin dinner cant talk."

- Natasha - 12-11-2012 10:01 PM

Ok, ok ! This sounds really upfront and could be a little heart breaking for you but please move on. You sound sweet but maybe tooo sweat for this girls tooth!!! Just try and keep away from her be polite and all. Just take some time to regain yourself. You are really lost in this girl and she simply doesn't sound like she is interested OR she could be one of those manipulating ladies that mother nature through down on earth to balance out the world a little . KEEP A W A Y from HER. Let nature take its course !!! You never know what's around the corner till you let go of the past Smile hope that helped a little . Good luck matey

- Tash - 12-11-2012 10:01 PM

You sound sweet(: bet in all honesty, you should move on, I know it'll be hard, but she's just not treating you right, you deserve better than her, much better. I wish you good luck!(:

- peachy - 12-11-2012 10:01 PM

Sounds similar to my situation with my old best friend. I have to say I'm quite lonely at the moment and we barely talk (because she doesn't want to). I stopped trying to make up for what I'd done and be friends again because she was just pushing me off, avoiding me, and rejecting me in all. I'll admit I would be her friend any day because I'm not a b. like that. I suggest stop trying so hard, it's her lose, even if it makes you feel disheartened. Cheer up, you could always try being friends again in a few months when it's blown off, be careful to reaproach though.. good luck Smile

Just don't give her the satisfaction that she's worth your time, she'll go around thinking highly of herself.

- purringhorse167 - 12-11-2012 10:01 PM

Move on. She clearly doesn't share the same feelings as you do for her, and I highly doubt's she interested in you. If she blocked you on Facebook it means you're annoying her.

I've gone through similar experiences with girls. I try to talk to them on Facebook, help them when they're feeling down. One girl just kept ignorning me and eventually I pushed it too far and she ended up blocking me. A few months later she un-blocked me and we're now Facebook friends again. I haven't inboxed her since. There was this other attractive girl I tried talking to over FB, but she started ignorning me, so I said, the best thing to do is leave it.

I'm sorry, I know she may mean a lot to you. But you're going to have to forget her, find other girls and move on.