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How to keep up a conversation with a guy you like (Facebook) ? - Printable Version

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How to keep up a conversation with a guy you like (Facebook) ? - Saliena934 - 12-12-2012 03:37 AM

I like this guy and usually he starts the conversations with me on Facebook and they usually last for ages but when I start conversations they don't last for that long because I'm not used to talking to guys and im not sure what to say or how to start a conversation. How can I start off and continue a good conversation?

- hqr - 12-12-2012 03:45 AM

guys perfer to listen (at least i do) just start talking about your day and stuff

- Living - 12-12-2012 03:45 AM

just start off with something that you both have in comon

wether it be a class, a family member, a race ot tradition

make sh!t up! lol guys like when you're spontanious!

- ilovecbrennan - 12-12-2012 03:45 AM

Talking to a guy on facebook only goes for so long. If you depend on always talking to him over facebook, you'll be in trouble when you actually want to talk to him in person. Yes, you don't want to seem boring so just come up with daily things that happened and such, but don't always depend on facebook chat. Talking face to face is always good. good luck

- Carly <3 - 12-12-2012 03:45 AM

Ok so I have two ideas to start a convo.

1. Be like hey you look really athletic, what sports do you play? Smile
**** make sure he plays a sport first so you don't embarrass him*****

2. Hey you wer in my dream last night, I was sitting in my room and you crashed in through the ceiling dressed like superman holding snakes and said, "I got the snakes" then you flew away

I swear this works I do it all the time

- Kurt C - 12-12-2012 03:45 AM

You need to find what he likes to talk about. I'll usually use a site like to get some variety, and fun chat started. If it dies, just go to a next one. But inevitably, you'll find one that will just last forever. Note what kind of question did that, and you have your source for long winded convos. Additionally, you can mine the site for future topics if you're chatting in person.