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How can I become Co Founder of the Web like a Facebook and Myspace? - Printable Version

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How can I become Co Founder of the Web like a Facebook and Myspace? - MEAD70 - 12-12-2012 05:20 AM

What kind of major is that? I want to make a reality, it's my dream!
Anyone knew what major is that? How to become Co Founder of the Web like almost as Facebook and Myspace?

10 points provided if you give a best answer, thanks!
God bless!

- Dilemma - 12-12-2012 05:28 AM

You might want to look into the area of being a web designer or a programmer. But just for the record, you have to be really good with html language, and maybe java.

- td90uk - 12-12-2012 05:28 AM

You could be the founder if you were determined enough. Learning HTML and CSS is a must for designing and making the design part of the website, JavaScript is another one to consider on top of that. For the interactivity such as posting updates and adding friends etc. I would recommend learning (as well as HTML and CSS and possible JavaScript) PHP and MySQL or ASP.NET and SQL. I would recommend PHP and MySQL because thats what Facebooks made in and it is easier than ASP.NET, cheaper too (free in most cases, does cost to host it though). If you want to learn these languages, then I have supplied a few links to websites you want to consider and a few books, because I prefer learning from books.

- Ben - 12-12-2012 05:28 AM

Any major you want. It's got nothing to do with what you do in class, it has to do with how you spend your time outside of class. It also requires a ton of luck and some early momentum.

The first thing you need to do is learn how to make a website. And I don't mean using Dreamweaver and friends. Learn HTML, learn CSS, learn Javascript. Learn how to program and then learn on of the many popular server-side programming languages (Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl).

You also need to come up with a good idea- something that makes your site unique. After that, it's just you getting together with some friends and making the website. It's fairly easy and really cheap to make a website (just a few dollars a month), but making a *good* website is a lot harder. 99.999% of websites out there never get big. It's just good planning and luck that gets you into those few that hit the jackpot.