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How do you forget someone you never had? - Printable Version

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How do you forget someone you never had? - Helio - 12-12-2012 05:59 AM

Hi folks! I've been liking a girl who was of my classroom since the beginning of the year, but I'm a bit shy so I never had enough courage to go talk to her. What happens is that the year just ended so I have no more chances to talk to her... I don't know her phone number... She has no Facebook profile... I don't know where she lives... In short, I have no way to communicate with her...

That's why I need some tips from you folks on how can I forget someone I never had... I just can't stop thinking about her! =/
PS: I have ways to talk with her friends (girls).


- Oreo The Tom Cat - 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

You had a crush on her so get along with your life it happens to all of us

- Melan - 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

That's an admiration. I've been to that state.
Still, even though I have my own man now,
we can never erased someone in our minds
who we never stop of thinking.

Since you've got connections with her girl friends,
then why not ask for her contact information.
Reveal to them that you like their friend.
I see nothing wrong with that.

- Mike† - 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

Don't just sit and wait for your chance to completely vanish.
Since there're ways to talk to her friends, ask them about her. Chances are they'll tell her you've been asking about her and maybe you get a chance to talk to her.
Get over your shyness, I know it seems hard, but in reality it isn't.
Everyone's nervous sometimes, it's completely understandable.
But if you've already decided to get over her, then there are only two things that'll help, hard way and easy way.
Hard way is to let the time pass by and forget about her eventually.
Easy way is to find someone else to like and forget about her.

- blair - 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

I'm actually experiencing the same thing, believe it or not. I like this guy and I feel like the feeling is mutual but neither one of us is brave enough to make a move so up to now, nothing's happened.

Anyway, right now my mind is kind of not thinking about him that much because I've been seeing other guys (not really dating but more of being open to talking to other people). I guess the best way to "get over" or "forget" is to find someone else. Trust me, it will really take your mind off of her.

- Shoes - 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

the lesson to learn is to not be so shy next time. take a risk. talk to people. what is there to lose? by not talking you have not spared yourself a bit of loss and heartache. she may have felt the same.

you never know, if she was in your class at school she must live local. you might still get your change to speak to her....

i think you need tips on how to be more confident and assertive!