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This guy said so much bad stuff to me, im sad and heartbroken, help plz? PART 2? - Printable Version

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This guy said so much bad stuff to me, im sad and heartbroken, help plz? PART 2? - angel - 12-12-2012 06:20 AM

This guy said so much bad stuff to me, I'm feeling really sad, help plz?

I'm in grade 8. My classmate on facebook messages me saying why did you call me a **** off, have you seen yourself in the mirror, no1 would have a crush you, even your crush doesn't even care if you are dead or alive, you nerd you think you're all that, no1 gives a **** about you, ...and a lot of swearing, im feeling really sad and heartbroken, help plz Sad

Then I told my friend all about this and told me to help me a little..this is what she said" I'm not helping u bitch thank god they are fighting with u ,......ur so stuck up and everything said is so true so stfu"
I go to a school from grades kindergarten-grade not exactly middle school
And please tell me things to say to him..something like ..

when ppl say all this, its showing their true colors, and ye, I jus got to kno HOW frickn DIRTY IS UR PERSONALITY, everything is getting expensive except some people, they are getting cheaper!
and lemme say this, u are trying to bring me down because u have no friends and no one is there to care for u, u r jus niggard and cheap...

I have said this ^^^^ but tell me more things to he never says anything back to me

- Sam - 12-12-2012 06:28 AM

keep your head up. middle school can be tuff. everyone is trying to find where they belong, trust me i know how it feels. youre going to be okay though. try to stay away from that crowd. make new friends. kids often dont realize how much words can hurt one another. dont stoop down to their level though. what they think about you isnt going to matter later on in life so dont let it matter right now. if its really bugging you try to reason with them. tell them you really arent one for drama and you think eveyone should just cool off. if that doesnt work then screw them. you dont need them bringing you down. act like it doesnt bother you and it willl drive them crazy. dont let the words get to you.. keep your head up man!

- Al Capone - 12-12-2012 06:28 AM

lmfao (Part 2)