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A guy with a girlfriend likes me and I like him, what do I do? - Printable Version

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A guy with a girlfriend likes me and I like him, what do I do? - Manna - 12-12-2012 08:03 AM

I've known this guy since late August. We were flirty from the start. I then found out he has a girlfriend. One day whilst Facebook chatting, he gave me his phone number, and we began texting. Eventually he finds out I like him.

Late at night, on two occasions, we sexted. I feel bad about this now. He also began asking for topless photos, which I never sent. I eventually sent a text telling him that I will not send him photos while he still has a girlfriend, and in response told me he had been waiting for my reaction. Wtf, right?

Yesterday, I finally got the balls to message him that I would no longer be sexting him either, because I felt bad since he has a girlfriend, plus I didn't even know if he liked me back! So, tonight, he tells me he likes me back. Now I don't know what to do.

I don't want to break him and his girlfriend up. Seriously. I don't want to be a man stealer, or a home wrecker. But, if him and his girlfriend broke up and he came to me, I wouldn't know what to do. I know if he's doing this to his girlfriend now, he'd do it to me, but I still really like him. I feel like an idiot!

So, what should I do? Keep talking to him? Back off? Just wait and see what happens? I have no idea, and nobody I know has experience in this. Please help! Thanks.
No rude comments, please! Thank you!

- BO$$ - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

I'm assuming your a teenager so I don't think you should be sexting(i think sexting is wierd regardless) but i would just leave this guy hes obviuosly out to eat you up(literally) so just move on there r plenty of fish in the sea!

- M - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

He will not be a good boyfriend to you if he would cheat on her. Never send pictures of yourself to a guy you can't trust & if you're going to...never put your face in them. Tell him you'll talk to him when he's single, though I wouldn't suggest it.

- Joleen - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

In my opinion, he doesn't seem like a good type of boyfriend. I mean, he's taken, yet he's still flirting, sexting, etc, with other girl(s). You'll never know if he decides to do it again in the future..

The way I see it, there's better guys out there.. ^_^

That being said, it's entirely up to you. (:

- Stellar - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

um...hes obviously not a keeper, but you two can have fun together if thats what you are about. but if your are not about only hooking up then leave him alone because he is about one thing. and no he wont change for you

- Obi Wan Knievel - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

Don't do nuffin. I'm serious, drop this guy. He's bad bad mojo.

Remember this and don't ever forget it: Anyone who would do that with you would also do it to you. If he leaves his girlfriend for you, either way you lose. First you'll always be the other-girl, and that's what you are right now. Nobody wants to be the other girl, because the other girl doesn't get any respect at all. AND it's just a matter of time until he starts sexting with another other-girl. That's why either way you lose. He did it to his current girlfriend, and he'll do it to you just as easily.

That's why he's bad bad news. All guys want to see you topless, but most of us don't cross that line when we have a girlfriend / wife / significant whatever. It's against the rules, and that's that. This guy, however, doesn't like those rules and doesn't respect them.

Does he still sound like the kind of guy you want to get into a relationship with? No, of course not. Guys like that are the ones you just use for sex (if that's your thing, I don't judge) and then discard like a used tissue. If you try to get anything more than that out of them, you just end up heartbroken.

Go get a respectable guy. You can do better than this ape without even trying.

- LOL - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

No matter how much he says he likes you, the moment I heard the words "asking for topless photos" I knew whats going on. Having a girlfriends, sexting, asking for topless photos. I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if he's doing this with other girls. Mostly I think he wants to see your tits, but its not 100% chance so yeah. He WOULD NOT make a good boyfriend at all. You wouldn't feel special while being his gf because you know he's probably sexting with other girls and asking for other girl's topless photos...Your life though, so its up to you

- ? - 12-12-2012 08:11 AM

Okay, firstly in my personal opinion, this guy sounds like a complete wasteman.

If I were you, I would definitely stop all the flirting and sexting because it's wrong and you've done that so good start! But stick to it, don't give in just because he says some sweet things to you.

A boy will say anything to get what he wants.

And plus, how would you feel if you was that girl?
Respect their relationship.
You say you don't wanna be a man stealer or a homewrecker so don't. It wasn't your fault at the beginning because you didn't know he had a gf then but now that you do, be the better person.

If he actually does like you back then he would break up with his gf for you but that's his decision. If he doesn't then you know that he really is an asshole who liked the thrill of flirting with other girls rather than actually liking you.

Carry on talking to him but just as friends would talk.
Wait it out and see what he does or says next.

I get it though, you like this guy and it's all exciting but seriously.. You deserve a lot more, as cheesy as it sounds. From your question and how you've written it, I can tell you've thought about it a lot, more than you should be considering it's pretty much a dead end while he's in a relationship.

Good luck though, some boys are such a headache. Smile