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Who thinks Facebook, twitter etc. are completely pointless? - Printable Version

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Who thinks Facebook, twitter etc. are completely pointless? - gale - 12-12-2012 09:13 AM

it's just so crappy and pointless waste of you time, well it was a good idea at the time but so meny people are addicted to it they don't even relise mostly because they have it on there phone so it's more easy to access.

people just post crap like 'going for a shower then clean the garage' wth!!
then even more pathetic their friends like it.
well I would say the most stupidest thing ever on Facebook is have a vast amounts of friends like 500 and somthing, you have to have the life span about 90 years old to know everyone so it's just popularity bull s***.

does anyone agree with me?

- george - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

I think that some people 'overuse' it by putting their every move on their status, however Facebook is very good for keeping in touch with friends e.g if you don't have a friends number you just go on Facebook and message them that way, things like that I think they are very useful for

- Daniel - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

I Dont Think its Pointless its a Good Tool Used to Connect with Friends and Family From All Around the World

- Leviticus - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

Then they wonder why they get "HACKED" so, easily. I wholeheartedly agree with you GALE.

- v lane - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

I thought it was all a dog's breakfast, then maybe that it had potential, but not in the way it seemed to be used as you described -perhaps as a bit of a popularity contest by some etc etc. maybe it could be improved, still seems a bit of a dogs breakfast, but im not sure how, maybe they'll come up with something, in the meantime im going to try a new page out and see if it gets more response than the yahoo groups which i had.

- hugedress733 - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

Twitter yes. But I have Face Book and go on it about 3 times
per/week for about 10 minutes to see what my kids and grand
kids have been up to. So yes, I like Face Book for that reason.
I don't have time to stay on Face Book all day. I stay busy doing
computer repair and on here trying to help people with their
computer problems.

- cloudyrainbow9 - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

me. i was there once.after deleting my fb account now i'm enjoying my normal life & i feel it's completely pointless. it's completely waste of time if you addicted ( well, i was too ) . but if you can use it with limit facebook is a good tool to communicate. but most people don't to it. they spend their time posting garbage , playing games.
it's not only the problem. facebook sell users personal information for advertise purpose. so i'm glad i deleted mine.
i don't know twitter about that much.

- Tash - 12-12-2012 09:21 AM

Completely agree, mostly with twitter etc as those are just crap