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How do I go about telling a manager about an employee? - Printable Version

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How do I go about telling a manager about an employee? - ashleeezay - 12-13-2012 03:16 AM

There is this girl on twitter who is constantly talking about kids, how she hates them, they get on her nerves & she even had the audacity to talk about mine.. She works at a daycare which is why I'm concerned. I am going to print out the pages but I don't know who to show them too or what to say? This girl doesn't deserve to work at a daycare if she's going to be calling them "nosy bitches" etc.. Can she get in trouble for that?

- Gem - 12-13-2012 03:24 AM

Do you have any reason at all to believe that she's harming the kids she cares for, or are you just sticking your nose in, adding up 1 + 1 and coming up with 798224?

It could be innocent frustration about her job, and not at all sinister. Unless you have reason to think she's actually harming the kids she works with, then she doesn't deserve to lose her job. She has a right to freely express her frustrations without you causing her grief because you twitterstalked her and didn't like what you found. The right to not be offended doesn't exist, I'm afraid.

- Employment Guy - 12-13-2012 03:24 AM

You got two very different answers so far! I would agree with Gem except this isn't about you being offended, it's about protecting your kids from someone who apparently hates them. If you are 100% certain that the person whose Twitter feed is bothering you works at your kids daycare, I would call the daycare and ask for a private meeting with the owner.