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How do you get paid by Facebook by making application? - Printable Version

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How do you get paid by Facebook by making application? - mp - 12-13-2012 01:26 PM

Well, I am planning on developing a code and creating a Facebook application. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how it roughly works. How do I get paid if I get enough users? How many users do I need in order to get paid? Where does the money go to? Paypal account? Has anyone made any facebook applications so that they can tell me their story? Thanks

- rjeena - 12-13-2012 01:34 PM

i dont think u really get paid. cuz i made 2 apps i didnt read anything abt gettin paid.

- jhaggy88 - 12-13-2012 01:34 PM

If you want to get paid by making apps. the best way is to start a web site that caters to facebook aplication and advertise your site. The more people that go to your site the better chance you haveon attractingt big companies to notice your site. When they do notice your site they will ask you if they can but their advertisements on your site and they will give you a monthly payment.

- Logics bar - 12-13-2012 01:34 PM

You advertise through it.
You can advertise a site of your own through it, or you can find some people willing to buy the advertising space. I beleive google offers such a service. Also you can put an "your add here" space on your application display to advertise that you are indeed selling just that space.

If you would be so kind, could you check my questions and possibly assist me as to where I might find the basics of how to write a rather simple application myself?