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How do I find Marketing Companies in Europe and the US for Real Estate? - Printable Version

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How do I find Marketing Companies in Europe and the US for Real Estate? - Erling - 12-13-2012 03:16 PM

I am in charge of sales for a developer in Mississippi and I have a few marketing groups that are bringing contracts, I know not to put all the eggs in one basket so I would like to start to develop new leads I know the Europeans are buying allot of US investments, what is the best way to link up with those investment groups or marketing groups that have established leads and need the best product with the best exit strategy.

- Landlord - 12-13-2012 03:24 PM

Word of mouth. They want to hook up with hot sales people and hot sales people are talked about.

Accept any social invitations you receive from investors, sporting events and that sort of thing. Investors tend to hang out together and if you are invited the purpose is to introduce you to their friends.

If you are not alreadying playing in the international field you will have a hard time getting in. The groups are tight, circulating money between themselves.

- SeanIM - 12-13-2012 03:24 PM

I have a training course geared towards RE Investors. It's a 4 week course that has been pre-recorded but I offer email & 1 Q&A call a week of support while a new client is in the course.

Currently I'm generating (off of 3-4 hours of work) 2-4 leads a week on average of investors (some from outside of the US) that are interested in purchasing bulk REO deals.

You can contact me from the info listed on my site:

...and we can setup a time to talk more specifically about your needs if you are interested.

If you're looking for some do it yourself info, simply query SEO or Internet Marketing or PPC, etc's a very broad topic so hard to confine to a few sentences I'm sure you understand.

Take care,