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Unless social security is reformed, does anyone really believe? - Printable Version

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Unless social security is reformed, does anyone really believe? - team - 12-13-2012 04:17 PM

it makes any difference if the govt collects only 4.2% or 6.2% social security from our checks? I mean, the govt pays alcoholics and drug addicts social security to live on. They give welfare to carreer welfare recipients, often time for 3, 4 or 5 generations. The spend the money they collect from us like madmen.

I for one am not going to include the income from a social security check in my retirement planning
Crow, it's the first sentence that ends with a question mark. Reading-comprehension challenged?

- Max Hoopla - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

Have a nice day.

- Joe Heaton - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM


It will always be with us .... as long as Republicans don't destroy it - which is something they are working on.

They want everyone to divert that money to the Stock Market - - - cause - - - you know - - - the stock market .... NEVER goes down!!!!!!!

LOL .... Righties .... what fun!!

What lunatics.

- Intellectualchin557 - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

Social Security is as good as the Government, We are screwed.

- BASH - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

Social security is 100% solvent through 2043 WITH the tax cuts. In 2044, social security can pay 74% for an additional 70 years if absolutely nothing is done. We should stop pretending that SSA is bankrupt, stop pretending that SSA is a loan program for the government's other pet projects, stop allowing our leaders to vote for us to wait even longer for our ssa eligibility date, and immediately eliminate the SSA tax cap.

- Crow - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM


Where is the question?

- Meg - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

You won't have to worry about retirement. Obama has taken care of that for you. There is no retirement in anarchy. Besides, they spent it long ago.

- mommanuke - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

No, I don't believe it makes a difference, but not for the reasons you state. All it would take to "fix" Social Security into the far off future would be to raise the cap of wages on which the payroll tax is collected.

Edit: Yeah, butt, here is hard evidence. You can continue your anecdotal stuff about "grandmothers from Guatemala", even though any disability she received would not come from the Social Security trust fund. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to how you deal with your parents if they don't manage to come up with enough money fro their retirement. How many of you out there can afford to support your mom and dad? Or would you just let them live on the streets because, after all, it was their responsibility.

- Yeah, butt - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM


* Momma, that wont do it. & why should people making good money hafta pay the benes of those who don't? & I worked at SSA - the horror stories. Like the 95 year old Guatamala granma who came here & got disability despite never having worked a day in the US.

The solution is to get rid of SS.

Here's proof.
Three Texas Counties Opted Out of Social Security

- hdean45 - 12-13-2012 04:25 PM

I don't have much faith in SS being around for too many more years because the government doesn't have a good track record for managing any thing. My advice to any young people would be to start saving now for their retirement ,if you have a 401-Kp;an put as much in it as you can. The Republickings are not trying to destroy SS ,it was LBJ a Democrat who took the money out of the SS fund and waisted it. As far as the stock market being a bad idea, I have money invested in the market to use along with my SS and and the most my investments ever dropped was about 5% and I gained that back rather quickiy .