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What do colleges look for in the "perfect students Facebook"? - Printable Version

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What do colleges look for in the "perfect students Facebook"? - xCodyx - 12-13-2012 05:32 PM

Studies are showing Facebook accounts for over 80% of your application to a university or college. What are they looking for? What should you do and what shouldn't?

- eri - 12-13-2012 05:40 PM

Don't have one, or set it on private. There's pretty much no way for a kid to have a Facebook account and never say anything stupid, racist, insulting, ignorant, or have a stupid picture of themselves posted. Pretty much any online presence is a bad thing as far as admissions are concerned.

- Rob - 12-13-2012 05:40 PM

don't know what "studies" you read, but they're mistaken

- DaniBaje - 12-13-2012 05:40 PM

You do realise that colleges have thousands of applicants?

Admissions staff don't have the time to scour through your facebook.

Don't believe everything you read