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Should I get the HTC Inspire or wait? - Printable Version

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Should I get the HTC Inspire or wait? - em1645 - 12-14-2012 02:20 AM

I'm seriously considering the HTC Inspire. I'm fifteen and I currently have a LG shine, which I'm sick of, and a ipod 3g. I was considering the iphone 4 or 5 but I'm leaning toward the Inspire. I'm really impressed with all the good things I'm hearing about it. But I'm also worried about the battery life and the speakers. I don't mind charging once a day but sometimes I forget to charge my phone and I need one in case of an accident, since I am pretty accident-prone. I mostly want to know if it is worth it. Should I wait for the iphone 5 or another android phone or is the HTC Inspire truly good? My mom has an old blackberry and may get an iphone in the future and she is concerned about the data plans working out. I probably would use my ipod for music because I got it last year, so would that help with battery life? If you know about apps, I would appreciate that input. And lastly, I apologize for my endless questions.

- hottcutebabe - 12-14-2012 02:28 AM

its really up to u

- Android Core - 12-14-2012 02:28 AM

Like I tell everyone..... Battery Life is what the user (you) makes of it.... In regards to Android phones, there is something I like to call the "Stupid Noob Standard"... This is what people love to do with their new android phone and then complain about it on reviews......

Activate live wallpaper... on the 7 homescreens, I have 10+ widgets.... all 10+ widgets are updated automatically every 5-10 minutes... all widgets have notifications set to ON and vibrate all the time.... all email is synced on auto push or on every 5-10 minutes.... email notifications are set to ON and vibrate all the time.... they use Advanced Task Killer on Android 2.2 Froyo OS..... They have the screen bright always... They stream youtube all the time... talk all the time... text all the time... surf all the time... twitter and facebook all the time, even though they have the facebook and twitter widgets active... gaming all the time...

so........... do all that, and yeah, you battery will die in 3-6 hours like the review says.... be normal, you dont need 10+ wigdets, 2-3 is fine.... ATK is not needed on Android OS Froyo... it has it built in already... why carriers push ATK on Froyo phones shows you just how stupid carriers are... having 2 ATKs kill the battery! You dont need facebook and twitter to remind your about everything every minute... turn of auto notifications... be human, check it yourself! Basically, be smart and battery conscious...

i have a droid X... Screen on bright always... No ATK! I have my email on auto push and to notify me all the time.... cuase io NEED my emails on all 3 email accounts!!!! I have 3 widgets only, my clock widget and weather widget and my system toggle widget, the rest are app icons... I have battery saver mode on... and if your app has a battery saver mode too---turn it on as well..... no live wallpaper active ---so boring in my opinion... I text alot... not really talk that much... and data surf alot for business... and i have 100% at 7am and 30% at 10pm (yes, i have no life outside work)....

like I said, just treat your little Android Inspire like you treat yourself..... how would you feel if I has you multitasking that top paragraph above... would you be tired and "out of energy too"?... give the little green guy some luv and be nice to him! Android is good, but only as good as the hardware.... when scientists make the next cell phone battery, then by all means, multitask the phone's CPU until your puke...!