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Can there ever be economic freedom and secured social freedom? - Printable Version

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Can there ever be economic freedom and secured social freedom? - King of Chaos - 12-14-2012 03:19 AM

Can economic freedom and social freedom ever co-exist without one destroying the other, and does economic freedom even count as real freedom, like social freedom does?
@Dan Mikkela That was just a corporate advertisement.
@SDD I thought you knew what social freedom was. Social freedom is essentially freedom in society to do things. What I'm asking is will free-market capitalism ever be able to co-exist with human freedom?

- SDD - 12-14-2012 03:27 AM

Freedom is freedom. You are either free to do what you want voluntarily or not. I see no real distinction between what you call economic freedom and social freedom -- and since you didn't define the term "social freedom" I can only guess what you meant. Freedom to associate or not associate with people? freedom to live where you want?

- John M - 12-14-2012 03:27 AM

So you contend that economic freedom constrains social freedom? Is this because of the propensity of unregulated markets to become corrupt and to place the individual citizen at a disadvantage in exchanging labor and property for goods and services, to the point where the individual ends up being what amounted to a serf in the middle ages? I think absent a real commitment to renew and refresh some of our anti-trust principles, we may just be headed for a modern day equivalent of serfdom, where the average person is going to make about $10 an hour, and have a vastly diminished social safety net in the event they become sick or disabled.