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what are important qualities a girl should look for in a guy for long term relationships and why? - Printable Version

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what are important qualities a girl should look for in a guy for long term relationships and why? - ManiF - 12-14-2012 03:24 PM

For a long relationship, what are good qualities in a guy that a woman should consider and why those qualities?

- noisyspoon635 - 12-14-2012 03:32 PM

i look for sweet, funny, careing, nice, and kind-of protective (so i know i feel safe with him hehe)

i know they work cause my bf of 1 year has them all

- Girly123 - 12-14-2012 03:32 PM

I look for a guy that has a great personality and is super sweet and very fun to be around i hope this helps hunny. Smile

- Donna - 12-14-2012 03:32 PM

Is he protective? Will he take care of you, and the other women in his life like his mother and sisters? Is he strong and tender? Does he make you laugh? Calm you when you're nervous or frightened? Does he want to get to heaven and take his family with him?

Read the book of Ruth in the bible, and think about the qualities of Boaz. That should help you.

- Pandaman - 12-14-2012 03:32 PM

Hmm. Make sure not a lot of girls like/flirt with him. That could cause major trust issues. Be careful with online stuff like myspace/facebook/twitter etc. With private messages and such. other girls could be on his tail along with you. Be careful. Honestly, I advise you don't go for something long distance unless you have your own transportation, money, and above all, TRUST. TRUST TRUST AND A THOUSAND MORE GALLONS OF TRUST.