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Where can i find statistics on the average equity losses during the housing market crash? - Printable Version

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Where can i find statistics on the average equity losses during the housing market crash? - Mich - 12-14-2012 04:43 PM

I'm doing a research assignment, and i have to demonstrate that it is unfeasible for retirees to live off of Social Security and Medicare alone. Since equity is calculated into people's retirement, this is very important. So what was the the average equity for people ages 55 to 64 right before the housing market crash? Where can i find this information? I must cite credible sources.
I need the average equity loss, average life expectancy, average expenditure and average social security payout for this demographic
this is the demographic of people nearing retirement, obviously...

- Zarg222 - 12-14-2012 04:51 PM

people ages 55-61 don;t get ANY social security - they are too young

drop in housing equity doesn't matter for trying to prove living affordability in retirement

all you need to know is avg and max soc sec payments and avg living costs for various areas of country - you can probably find all that info with google