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How can I market my own webpage for thousands to see on the internet? - Printable Version

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How can I market my own webpage for thousands to see on the internet? - Mari - 12-14-2012 05:16 PM

I have my own insurance website that I built where I market savings plans for medical insurance. I wanted to know how I could market this website (my website) effectively so that I could get alot of potential customers to buy my product?? Please Help!

- webman23 - 12-14-2012 05:24 PM

First thing is to make sure that your website is listed in the major search engines. Then you will have to optimize your sie for the search engines with relevant keywords. There are way too many ways to list here so I recommend taking a look this site for some ideas.

- clip - 12-14-2012 05:24 PM

Hi,I suggest you to watch this video,very helpful,explain how to be #1 on google for free within 24 hours..any keywords!

- noisyman575 - 12-14-2012 05:24 PM

Pick up the best book on the shelf from internet marketing Search Engine Marketing Inc. Do the basics and then try new things to get rankings in the search engines. Also take advantage of social networks that match your industry, like Yahoo! Answers.

- Don S - 12-14-2012 05:24 PM

There is a course I took online that has completely changed how I market and you could greatly benefit from it. You can try it out for a week for about $5.00 before they start charging the full monthly fee of $47, you can use these techniques to market pretty much anything and there a bunch of useful marketing tools to use too! Here is a link:
I hope this helps!