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I am trying to remember an episode title of the 1988-89 War of the Worlds TV series? - Printable Version

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I am trying to remember an episode title of the 1988-89 War of the Worlds TV series? - medicalcataloger - 12-15-2012 01:14 AM

a social worker is at a shelter doing substance abuse rehab work with homeless people. Homeless people start disappearing because they're being abducted by the aliens and their brains are taken for a serum. The serum is taken to a corporation to market and ship out. The CEO of the corporation (the father of the social worker) has the serum analyzed and discovers that it's made of human brain and commits suicide. The aliens are discovered and stopped, but not before the social worker is taken by the aliens and used for the serum.

- pokerfaces55 - 12-15-2012 01:22 AM

check out the IMDB or wikipedia and get a list and discription of each episode

- Dana B - 12-15-2012 01:22 AM

Just type "war of the worlds episode guide" into whatever search engine you like and you will come up with a couple of...yep, you guessed it...episode guides.

- blackwolff9 - 12-15-2012 01:22 AM

Here's the link that will take you to the aforementioned IMDB link. Hope this helps.