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How do i use twitter? - HoodedGoodies - 12-15-2012 03:16 AM

i just signed up to twitter how do i use it , and what is it used for?

thank you

- Samantha. - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

You tell everyone what you're upto. Or anything you want! You update your friends and follow people!


- Professor Sparka - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

add ppl and then talk basicly msn

- Brea - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

up the top there is a find people tab go there search for me br3as i will talk you thru it Smile

If not search people follow them (that means u see their updates e.g celebs, favourite places, friends, Family etc.)

u also update people on what u are doing and if people are following u back u can direct message them kind of like messaging people on facebook but yer that is pretty miuch twitter Smile

- Bellalovessjb - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

twitter is just a place where people go and tell the whole world what there doing,
when you sign in theres this box that asks you 'what are you doing?' and then you just type in what you want people to know what you are doing, and then you get followers but its mostly for famous people to keep in touch with their fans.

- Amanda Evans - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

Twitter is very easy to use and a great way to network and meet other people in your niche area. You follow people and people follow you. You have 140 characters in which you can put your updates so if you write a new blog post or have something interesting to say you type it in and click update and your message will be displayed to everyone following you. It is a great way to get more traffic etc. Twitter Search is great for finding people to following. If you are following someone who is following you also you can DM or direct message them. It really is very simple to use just sign up and start typing updates and chatting with people. I do recommend that you download TweetDeck which is a destop application that makes it easier to see what is happening.

I am @amandajevans of Twitter.

- Boboo - 12-15-2012 03:24 AM

Twitter is a microblog, or a status updating social networking site in which you make friends and follow people, or get followed by people. And when your network grows bigger you can have your voice heard by many people in your friends networks too...
You blog or tweet with messages of no more than 140 characters. Things to be tweeted (= sending out a twit or tweet (message) on twitter) can be
what you are thinking or doing right now
a new post on your blog that you wrote
a ReTweet (RT) from someone else, think of it as a forward in email